14. Maintenance Day

I'm in Antofagasta, Chile. I went to the bike shop yesterday to do some maintenance on my bike. One of the issues on a trip like this is that you have to do your maintenance when you have a chance and it is available and not when you have to do it or it is actually due. You have to think ahead and be proactive. I rather do maintenance ahead of the regular interval, then be late or ride on worn tires. And this was exactly the case with this maintenance stop. I have everything up-to-date now and I have brand new tires. I have done everything as far as bikes maintenance goes. I have been enjoying my time here on the coast clearing my lungs and throat from the dust. It's like a magic with a nice clean air over here. I even managed to get coffee at the local Starbucks. My website is all up-to-date as well, this is the last set of pictures to be uploaded and then we start all over again. I still have some planning to do, I’d like to take advantage of decent Internet I have here. I'm crossing to Argentina tomorrow and it will be a brand new chapter. I don't know what to expect but I'm ready for new adventures. See you in Argentina.


13. Valle de Luna